Sorry! Emulator

September - December 2015| Project| GitHub

Technologies: Java, Java Swing, Eclipse

After I finished this project I could never really play Sorry! again, but that's okay because it came out pretty cool. The images were chosen specifically to resemeble as possible the original classic board game, for every aspect of game play (the pawns, cards, and tiles).

The code is delineated according to the relevant "window" or apsect of the game--such as the game board, the client vs server (host vs other players), the score, etc. Networking and multithreading were implemented to have multiplayer mode with up to four people via a host and port number. Multithreading also allowed for the program to be open more than once on the same machine, so it was easy to play locally. If a user wishes to play alone, or if other (non hosting) players drop the game, a simple "AI bot" will take over to continue the game.

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